
Sunday, September 1, 2013

A New Life for a Neglected Skirt

Last summer I was out shopping for a few light weight skirts, and I found this beautifully printed round skirt at Ross for just ten dollars.  I loved it, but there was a small problem when I tried it on.  It was a teensy bit snug.  When I tried to find another size, I discovered that there was just one left.  Now, I wonder if any of you have done this.  I told myself, "What the heck.  Just get it. You'll probably lose weight anyway."

Well, it's been over a year, and guess what?  It's still too snug.  Obviously, I didn't get much use out of this skirt. 

Sad, neglected skirt.

In fact, I had forgotten about it until a few weeks ago when my two year old son pulled it out of my closet and said, "This is a nice skirt, Mommy."  I thought, "Oh yeah.  It is."  And I  got to work right away giving it a new life.  

Note:  now that I am writing this post, I realize that I did not take enough photos.  I hope that my explanation makes sense.

I put my head through the top of the skirt and let it hang over my shoulders.  Looking in the mirror, I lifted my arms out to the side and pinned the bottom of the skirt to create a cuff, making sure to give my arms enough room to move around.  Then I used a pin to mark under each of my arms on one side of the skirt (I couldn't pin through the skirt, or I wouldn't have been able to lift it over my head).  The pin markers under my arm were to let me know how far up that I needed to sew.  Next, I pinned (again on one side of the skirt) to mark each side of my waist, taking care not to make it too snug.  At this time, I had a pinned triangle of sorts.

I wouldn't say this is my exact measurements, but it shows the point.

I then cut along the lines as shown above.  After cutting, I flipped the skirt inside out and sewed the raw edges, right sides together.  Presto!  In about ten minutes I had created a new shirt and given life to this sad, neglected skirt.  I loved it so much that I wore it on a date to the pub with my husband and son.

Viola!  A new shirt and a super cutie.  He's modeling his new tie dye shirt.

How lucky!  A new shirt and a fabulous sunset.


  1. I love it! I think the super cutie in the background makes it look even better :) Great job sister.

  2. Love it!!! Little miss crafty pants ;)

  3. Thanks to both of you, Sisters! I can't wait to do some refashioning when I get home in October.


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