
Monday, March 17, 2014

Green Digs for a Little Leprechaun

May the blessings of each day be the blessings you need most.                                                      - Irish Saying

Today I was lucky enough to spend St. Patty's Day with my precious little leprechaun.  We are both on Spring Break and needed to spend some time together.  He suggested that we visit the aquarium.  It was a spectacular day.  And, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to make him a special green t-shirt.   

I found this green Roy Sakuma Ukulele tee in great condition at a charity shop for $1.

I cut the t-shirt into pieces to make it easier to work with. 
 Next I placed on the pieces of a simple t-shirt pattern with a button shoulder - size 4.

I followed the directions to make the t-shirt, but before I stitched up the sides, I added an applique.  My original plan was to add a shamrock or something fitting for St. Patty's Day.  However, I took inspiration from the t-shirt logo and made something more versatile. 

To make the pattern, I drew a simple ukulele on a piece of construction paper.  

I used a scrap piece of green and blue Polynesian print for the ukulele body. 

I used a striped fabric for the neck, headstock, sound hole, and saddle. *Note: I ended up cutting the knobs off the side of the headstock because it looked uneven. 
First, I stitched the sound hole and saddle onto the ukulele body with a zigzag stitch.

Next, I ironed interfacing onto the back of the ukulele body. 

Once this was complete, I stitched the neck onto the body, again, with a zigzag stitch. 

I then stitched the entire piece onto the shirt using a zigzag stitch.  

My little leprechaun was happy to show off his new ukulele tee at the aquarium and the beach.  What a blessed day we had.  

Don't Forget!

Sign up now for the Beth Huntington's BurdaStyle Course - Refashion: Inspiration and Projects to Revamp and Recycle Your Wardrobe.  The course is on March 31st, starting at 11 am (EST).  You can click here to find more information and register.   


  1. I can't believe how easy you made that look. I haven't been successful with appliques just yet - I think I've tried them with fabrics other than cotton. Anyway, kudos on just freehand drawing a ukelele!

    1. Thanks! I have found that I have to sew really slow and keep my hands closer to the needle so that I can move the applique around. Ironing on interfacing also makes it easier to manipulate the fabric.

  2. Love the applique. What a happy little boy in such a beautiful place!.....Suzanne, Tucson AZ

    1. Thank you, Suzanne. He is a happy boy. We are very lucky. Thank you for stopping by.

  3. love your blog. BTW this week the aquarium is only $1.10 for the 110 anniversary.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Erica. And thanks for the tip about the entry fee. It's such a cute little aquarium. Our little guy loves going there.

  4. Nice job - very impressive applique! Your little guy is very photogenic and/or you're a great photographer :)

    1. What a sweet comment, Jenny. Thank you! It's getting really hard to get the little guy to stand still long enough to snap a photo.

  5. You have the most adorable little leprechaun! And that ukelele applique.....perfect for a little boy. Loved the fabric you choose for it, so very "hawaiian" :)
    Have a great day!

    1. Such sweet comments, Beth. He really loves it when I make him things. That's what makes it so special.


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